Ecenaz "Jen" Ozmen


I am a senior studying Computer Science with a concentration in Philosophy at Columbia University, I'm also a research assistant at the Columbia Computational Design Lab.

Interests: windsurfing, longboarding, philosophy, science communication, learning new languages

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Interactive Grabcut

A web-based implementation of GrabCut. This interactive design provides a flexible interface to work with the GrabCut algorithm to extract objects from images.


A Flask-based web application that teaches how to brew coffee using different brewing methods. Includes interactive quizzes, personalized lists and feedback!

MapReduce Word Count

A haskell implementation of the Map-Reduce algorithm to count words of very large files. Our initial attempts at parallel functional programming.

Security Violation Reporting Test Bed

An experimental web-based application that produces security violation reporting on demand across browsers. Test targets include violations of: Content Security Policy, Trusted Types, Cross-Origin Embedder Policy.


volga provides fast, extensible, and expressive APIs to deserialize any python data structure from any supported data format (such as JSON and YAML)


   Lydia B. Chilton, Ecenaz Jen Ozmen, Sam H. Ross

   Sam H. Ross, Ecenaz Jen Ozmen, Maria Kogan, Lydia B. Chilton

Open Source Contributions